aduhai...kene tag

aku tak reti nak jawap aku hentam la yerk wahai encik jiwa kaco..klu slh tu sori k.

1. What are you wearing?
Baju kurung

2. What did you do last night?

3. Favorite Memory with significant other?
Dapat first present teady bear besar dr someone special masa birthday ke -24thn

4. Last gift received?
dpt anak patung kecik beruang coala dr Australia

5. Describe the last picture you were in?
masa farewell kwn opis, mcm2 aksi ader

6. Last thing you ate?
Nasi goreng buatan sendiri

7. Last thing you drank?
Teh o panas buatan sendiri

8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
Alamak...tak mo jawap

9. What was your best vacation?
Lepak kat umah ajer..pastu tido, tido n tido :)

10. What are you most looking forward to in the next vacation?
Nak g Mekah ( x tau la leh dpt ker tak )

11. What is happening around you?
macam2, tp aku suka bila sunyi ...hati damai jerk..

12. What is your shoe size?
Kaki panjang la seingat aku saiz 7 kot.

13. Last event you dressed up for?
Semalam aku pkai baju blaus baru, lawa la jugak..huhu

14. What is the most chethinap g you bought?
x tau la...

15. What is the most expensive thing you have on right now?
Myself, sesungguhnya diri ku amat berharga..cewah..

16. What is your favorite smell?
bau aper ekk...

17. Is there something you really want to buy right now?
Nak beli orang..leh ker?

18. What are your nicknames?

19. What are your plans for today?
Nak jawab tag nie la smbil wat keje

20. Describe your friendster picture.
Baru tukar background semalam..g la layan

21. Describe your myspace picture.
myspace, dah lama tak bukak ..tak tau dah jadi aper..

22. Describe your facebook picture.
Belum penah buat

23. What did you do last weekend?

24. Favorite brand of clothes?
Tak ader jenama janji selesa dan cantik


Lina Bte Zakaria berkata…
soalan ape 2?tag?????????

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jom balaja bahasa bangla..


aku suka makan..hehe